About us
Media Coverage

Last updated
Designed by Adrian Cousins
Maintained by Centre co-ordinator

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

The Centre on Global Change and Health aims:
  • to bring together multidisciplinary expertise and experience from life sciences, public health and social sciences to understand and develop policy responses to the impact of globalisation on health and environment

  • to contribute to knowledge and action that addresses the adverse health and environmental impacts of globalisation notably worsening health inequity within and across countries
  • The specific objectives of the Centre are:

  • to bring together existing and planned research on globalisation, environmental change and health within LSHTM in order to encourage collaborative and multidisciplinary approaches and perspectives
  • to facilitate the initiation of new research projects on globalisation, environmental change and health that bring together expertise from across the three LSHTM departments
  • to undertake policy advisory tasks and consultancies

Contact us

Contact us by email cgch@lshtm.ac.uk