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Events: Centre on Global Change and Health
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Media Coverage

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London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Media Coverage

2009 Media Coverage

Lee K, research reported in Wang C (2009) "Leading tobacco company accused of undermining China's anti-smoking efforts, " Xinhua News Agency, 2 January.

Lee K, research reported in Cho C (2009) "Global tobacco firms target Korean women," The Korea Herald, 4 February.

Lee K, research reported in "Marketing Strategies of Tobacco Companies In South Korea Focussed On Girls And Young Women," MedIndia, 4 February 2009.

2008 Media Coverage

Lee K Quoted in Samarasekera U. (2008), "WHO: Sixty years on," Lancet, 371; 5 April: 1151-52.

Lee K, research reported in Casey M. (2008), "Documents offer look at big tobacco's Asia tactics," Associated Press, 23 December.

Lee K, research reported in Bennett S. (2008) "Philip Morris, BAT Sought to Influence Smoking Policy," Bloomberg News, 23 December.

Lee K, research reported in Rabin R (2008) "Tobacco Company Downplayed Risks in China, Report Says," New York Times, 29 December.

2007 Media Coverage

Gewin V (2007) The global challenge. Nature, 17 May.

Jack A (2007) Climate Change Bites. Financial Times, 24 April.

Shuchman M (2007) Improving Global Health - Margaret Chan at the WHO. The New England Journal of Medicine, 15 February, 356(7): 653-6.

2006 Media Coverage

Better heat wave planning needed for UK. Englemed, 11 August 2006. [UK Health News]

Better heat wave planning needed for UK., 14 August.

Health experts' heatwave warning. BBC NEWS, 11 August 2006.

Heat avoidance insufficient during heat waves. Newswise, 9 August.

Heat avoidance insufficient during heat waves. OnMedica, 11 August.

Capua J D (2006) Is AIDS a Global Security Threat? Voice of America News, 20 June.

English teen pregnancies falling. Reuters, 24 November 2006.

English teen pregnancies falling., 26 November 2006.

Santangelo J (2006) England's Strategy To Reduce Teenage Pregnancies Is Working, Study Indicates. Medical News Today, 1 December 2006.

Gong Z J (2006) Revelation of internal documents. China Business News, 18 July.

Gou A L, Huang H (2006) BAT China Denial on Smuggling. China Business News, 19 July.

Jha A (2006) Boiled alive. The Guardian, 26 July.

Levinsky A, Popov M (2006) The Transit Conqueror. Smart Money, 31 July.

O'Neil M (2006) Cigarette giant feels heat over China smuggling claims. South China Morning Post, 21 July. [work cited]

Parfitt T (2006) Campaigners fight to bring down Russia's tobacco toll. The Lancet, 19 August, 368: 633-4. [World Report]

Passive Heat Avoidance Advice Not Enough. Redorbit News, 11 August 2006.

Passive Heat Avoidance Advice Not Enough. United Press International, 11 August 2006.

Protecting Londoners as the capital warms up. 10 October. [Press Release]

Siegel J (2006) Proprietors targeted by new anti-smoking bill. Jerusalem Post, 9 November. [News Section]

Teen pregnancies falling-slowly. Reuters, 24 November 2006.

Tobin L (2006) Heat survival advice "misses those most at risk". Times Online, 11 August 2006.

UK must be more prepared for heatwaves., 11 August 2006.

Tobacco giant denies encouraging smuggling to China. BMJ, 12 August, 333: 320. [News Extra]

Yi L (2006) Behind the curtain of smoke. Caijing (China), 24 July, 164: 80-83.


2005 Media Coverage

Avian influenza. BBC4 World News, 25 August. [Interview].

Avian influenza. World Today, BBC World Service, 25 October. [Interview].

BAT and balls. Private Eye. [work cited]

Collin J (2005) Why do we still smoke in Africa? BBC NEWS, 18 March.

Donaghy K (2005) Pubs officially hailed as a breath of fresh air in report. Irish Independent (Dublin), 28 March.

Gould N (2005) Demand smoking ban, urges health expert. North West Telegraph, 5 March.

Graham S (2005) Academic quizzes smoking ban delay. Irish News (Belfast), 1 October.

Guildford Archiving Project. Times Higher Education Supplement. [work cited]

Picard A (2005) Are hookahs really a harmless indulgence? Globe and Mail, 13 December.

Tobacco in China. ABC National Radio, 30 October. [Interview].


2004 Media Coverage

A website has been launched detailing the inner workings of leading tobacco firm BAT. BBC News, 26 October.

Boseley S (2004) Tobacco firm accused over access to files. The Guardian, 28 May. [work cited]

Boseley S (2004) Tobacco giant hid harmful research. The Guardian, 11 November.

Doward J (2004) Tobacco lobby targeted Blair as "smoker friendly". The Observer, 31 October. [project cited]

Guildford Archiving Project. Channel 4 News, 28 May.

Guildford Archiving Project. The Today Programme, BBC Radio 4, 28 May.

Guildford Archiving Project. World Tonight, BBC Radio 4, 28 May.

Harvey F (2004) BAT is accused of obstructing research. Financial Times, 28 May.

Hopkin M (2004) Researchers seize the moment to make tobacco data public. Nature, 492, 3 June. [work cited]

Laurance J, Stevenson R (2004) After four years of copying and scanning, the tobacco industry's eight million secrets are out. The Independent, 28 May. [work cited]

Lee K (2004) Through the smokescreen. New Scientist, 18 December.

Lister S (2004) Tobacco firm "backed" smuggling. The Times, 24 November. [work cited]

Phelps D (2004) Were tobacco lawyers being watched? Minesota Star Tribune, 28 May.

Stevenson R (2004) Business Analysis: BAT hit by fresh claims it used smuggling to expand into Asia, DTI under pressure after investigation of tobacco giant was dropped in March. Independent, 24 November. [work cited]

Tobacco giant accused over files. BBC News Online, 28 May.

Tobacco giant says "no cover-up". BBC News, 11 November.

Urquhart L (2004) Slow struggle to clear the smokescreen. Financial Times, 26 October. [work cited]

Urquhart L (2004) Website to lift lid on inside story at BAT. Financial Times, 26 October. [work cited]

Wain R (2004) Website lifts lid on life at BAT factory. Southern Daily Echo (Southampton), 26 October.


2003 Media Coverage

Health as security conference (2003) . Morning Programme, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio, 17 September. [Interview]

Health as security issue (2003) . British Satellite News, Chatham House, 10 September. [Interview]

Naik G (2003) Chief to Leave a Healthier WHO. Wall Street Journal, 7 July: 6. [work cited]

Lague D, Saywell T (2003) The New War on Disease. Far Eastern Economic Review, 24 April: 19-21. [work cited]

Revill J (2003) Fortress Britain at risk of disease. The Observer, 22 June. [work cited]

2001 Media Coverage

Science & Technology: The World Health Organisation, A triumph of experience over hope. The Economist, 24 May 2001, 117-18.

Tobacco pandemic. Today Programme, BBC Radio 4. [Interview]

1999 Media Coverage

Roundtable discussion on WHO reform (1999). BBC Radio Scotland.

1997 Media Coverage

Brown P (1997) The WHO strikes mid-life crisis. New Scientist, 11 January, 2064: 12-13.
