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London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Global Governance for Health

The diverse challenges posed by global change for health raises the need to rethink existing forms of governance. Domestic action alone is no longer sufficient to ensure health is protected. Our research has helped to clarify how existing rules, institutional actors, and financing mechanisms need to evolve to better respond to the emerging challenges of globalisation. Our work is especially concerned with ensuring that globalisation also benefits those currently left behind in the development process.


  • The transformation of global health governance: Competing world views and crises. This 4-year project, funded by the European Research Council, is a collaboration between the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (Kelley Lee as Co-PI) and the Centre on Health and International Relations, Aberystwyth University (Colin McInnes as Co-Pi). The total award for this project comes to 2.3 million Euros.
  • Defining and Shaping the Architecture for Global Health Governance: current issues and future perspectives
  • Globalization and innovations in global governance for the social determinants of health, WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health

Projects of other organisations

  • Lee K, Mills A (2000) Strengthening governance for global health research. BMJ, 30 September, 321: 775-6.
  • Lee K, Walt G and Haines A (2004) The challenge to improve global health: financing the Millennium Development Goals. JAMA, Special Issue on Global Health, 291(21):2636-2638.
  • Lee K (2004) The pit and the pendulum: can globalization take health governance forward? Development, Special Issue on the Politics of Health, 47(2):11-17.
  • Lee K, Koivusalo M (2005) Trade and health. Is the community ready for action? PloS Medicine, 2(1): 12-14.
  • Buse K, Lee K (2005) Business and Global Health Governance. Discussion Paper No. 5 - Global Health Governance Series, December 2005.
  • Collin J, Lee K (2007) Globalisation and public health policy in Scriven A. and Garman S. eds. Public Health, social context and action (Maidenhead: Open University Press).
  • Kerry V, Lee K (2007) TRIPS, the Doha Declaration and Paragraph 6 Decision: What are the remaining steps for protecting access to medicines? Globalization and Health 3(3). http://www.globalizationandhealth.com/content/3/1/3.
  • Lee K, Fidler DF (2007) Avian and pandemic influenza: Progress and problems with global health governance. Global Public Health 2(3): 215-34.
  • Lee K, Ingram A, Lock K and McInnes C (2007) Bridging health and foreign policy: The role of health impact assessment? Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 85(3): 207-11. http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/85/3/06-037077.pdf
  • Lee K, Koivusalo M, Ollila E, Labonte R, Schrecker T, Schuftan C and Woodward D (2009), Global Governance for Health, in Labonte R, Schrecker T, Packer C and Runnels V eds. Globalisation and Health: Pathways, Evidence and Policy (London: Routledge).